Text replacement animations

A Gutenberg plugin that allows us to replace and animate parts of texts. It’s available inside all kinds of blocks like headings and comes with a bunch of options like underline.

Custom Spacings for Core Blocks

A Gutenberg plugin that allows to finetune the spacings of core-blocks. That means, setting margin and padding for three viewport sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile). It also allows negative spacings.

Screenshot of the plugin in WordPress Backend

Animate Core Blocks

A Gutenberg plugin that adds a Panel to Inspector allowing you to animate Core-Blocks.

A scrrenshot of wordpress-backend showing plugin

Matomo Connect

A plugin that allows you to integrate matomo data in WordPress and can be used for things like “popular posts” or “Most read posts”.
It’s made as a simple alternative to WordPress.com stats (jetpack) and is GDPR / DSGVO safe (do not send your user’s data around the internets ( like i.e. jetpack does).

  • gives you an options page to connect to a matomo instance
  • by default, it queries matomo for the “most popular posts of today”
  • provides dashboard widgets showing simple stats in the backend (see screenshot)
  • caches results in a transient
  • JS is used to render the results

We made this plugin for kunstundfilm.de

5-star-rating Block

This is the frontend component we implement for a project where we connect a WordPress site to Google My Business.
The plugin is not on WordPress only on github.

screen capture of the wordpress backend using 5-star-rating-block